About Me:
Brother Dufresne began serving the Lord after a Divine encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ in his youth. Since then, he has expressed his love and passion for rescuing souls from the perishing ways of sin by bringing them to the saving knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Brother Dufresne has been a minister since April 2009 and was ordained as a pastor in April 2021. He has traveled domestically and internationally to preach the Gospel to the lost.
Here at home, he works tirelessly with the youth to help them become established, rooted and grounded in the truth of the Gospel.
He and his lovely wife, Janina, were joined in holy matrimony in March 1989, and from that union eight wonderful children were born.
Brother and Sister Dufresne are industrious in God’s vineyard and strive to promote God’s cause and to perpetuate His work of holiness in this end time.