Although God created man to be like Him – holy – man fell from this pristine condition, and wickedness increased on the earth. God became sorry that He made man, and sought to destroy every living thing. He would do this by covering the entire earth with water. No one would escape the flood. But Noah found favor with God, and he and his family were saved by entering the ark that God instructed Noah to build. And now, just like in the days of Noah, wickedness is once again rampant upon the earth.
How much longer before God destroys the earth again? No one really knows, but the Bible lets us know there is coming a day when it will happen again. Destruction will be upon the entire earth.
Any time we do wrong, it grieves the Spirit of God. And whatsoever we sow, that we will reap. This means if we are continuously doing bad things (grieving the Spirit of God), we will receive bad things. But if we forsake the bad and give ourselves over to the good, we can expect good things in return. We shall all reap a harvest, be it a harvest of good things or a harvest of bad things. We need to forsake all wickedness and get our lives in order, so we can reap the good things God has in store for us.
How are you doing?